Music Education Minor

Music Majors Only

(6 units)

Minor Declaration Form



Required courses (2 units)



MUSIC_ED 2601 unit

Introduction to Music Education

MUSIC_ED 3581 unit

Philosophy of Music Education



Choose 2 Methods Courses:



MUSIC_ED 3611 unit

Teaching General Music I (Prerequisite: MUSIC_ED 240 and instructor permission)

MUSIC_ED 3621 unit

Teaching General Music II (Prerequisite: MUSIC_ED 231 Guitar I)

MUSIC_ED 3641 unit

Teaching Instrumental Methods I (Prerequisite: MUSIC_ED 237 Strings I)

MUSIC_ED 3651 unit

Teaching Instrumental Methods II (Prerequisite: 2 of MUSIC_ED 230, 233, 234, 235, 236, 239)

MUSIC_ED 3661 unit

Teaching Choral Music I

MUSIC_ED 3671 unit

Teaching Choral Music II



Choose 2 Techniques Courses:



MUSIC_ED 2300.5

Woodwind Class

MUSIC_ED 2310.5

Guitar Class

MUSIC_ED 2340.5

Double Reeds Class

MUSIC_ED 2350.5

High Brass Class

MUSIC_ED 2360.5

Low Brass Class

MUSIC_ED 2370.5

String Class I

MUSIC_ED 2380.5

String Class II

MUSIC_ED 2390.5

Percussion Class

MUSIC_ED 2400.5

Classroom Instruments



Choose 1 Music Education Elective:



MUSIC_ED 3681 unit

Teaching Composition in the Schools

MUSIC_ED 3261 unit

World Music Pedagogy

MUSIC_ED 3271 unit

Teaching Exceptional Children