Strategic Priorities

Dean Holland’s primary goal is to maintain consistently high levels of Artistic Excellence and Academic Rigor throughout all programs in the Bienen School. In support of this goal, the dean has identified several strategic priorities:

  • Financial Aid is critical to attract the most qualified, talented undergraduate and graduate students from around the world. Increased aid will allow the school to adequately compete with peer institutions for top applicants and ensure that the cost of a Northwestern education is not a barrier to any student wishing to enroll.
  • While practicing and studying are important, it is equally important for students to take time away from music and academics to reset, refocus, and build social bonds. An endowment in the area of Student Well-being will fund programming to encourage students to maintain this balance and prioritize their mental and emotional health.
  • Endowed Professorships bring prestige to the most deserving faculty, strengthen the school’s reputation, and ensure support for faculty positions in perpetuity. Increasing endowed professorships is crucial to recruiting and retaining top-tier faculty and attracting outstanding music students.
  • Building on several ongoing research initiatives at the school and throughout the University, the Bienen School is poised to make tremendous contributions to Music and Health Research to benefit society as a whole. New funding will help expand the school’s footprint in this important area of discovery.
  • As Technology evolves quickly, securing an endowed fund for technology will allow the school to provide the most advanced technology available for students and faculty to utilize in their pursuit of academic and musical excellence.
  • A commitment to fostering Engagement with Alumni and the Community will provide students with real-world experience and leverage the school’s broad alumni network. Funding will support areas such as career development programming, student-alumni networking, and student performances beyond campus.

Ways to Give

Give to Bienen Online

By Phone

Call Northwestern University's Department of Annual Giving at 800-222-5603 and direct your gift to the Bienen School of Music.

By Mail

Send your gift to the Bienen School of Music at the following address:
Bienen School of Music
70 Arts Circle Drive
Evanston, IL 60208-2405


If you are interested in making a gift of stock, please contact Sarah Generes at

“Without the merit aid I received, I would not have had access to the highest caliber professors, rigorous and rewarding musical training, and the opportunity to practice in a world-class facility.”

Brannon Cho ’17

Rogers Society

The Henry and Emma Rogers Society honors and recognizes alumni and friends who have included Northwestern in their estate plans. We are grateful to members who have designated their gifts to benefit the Bienen School of Music.

Jeanne Maxant Blanchet
Timothy Broege
David and Barbara Brubaker
Gwen Brubaker
Michael P. Buckley and Joellen Brassfield
Raymond E. Carnes
Christine Casey
Brenda Born Conklin
Joanne (Kriege) Cruickshank and Ian Cruickshank
Sally S. Dobroski
Nancy Dussault and William Valentine Mayer
Julius and Rebecca Erlenbach
Sheran K. Fiedler
Margee Filstrup and Scott H. Filstrup
Scott G. Golinkin
A. John Holstad
William T. Hopkins
Martin J. Koldyke
David Landis and Sean Dowdall
Barbara Leibundguth
Janet Tuggle Leigh
Donald V. Lincoln
Kenneth D. Lowenberg
Eric A. Lutkin
Sharon Foster Martin and R. Eden Martin
Nancy L. Meendsen
Toni-Marie Montgomery
William Allen Murdock
Muriel Cooney Nerad
Lynn M. Nothdurft
Nancy P. Orbison
Catherine White O'Rourke
Rollin R. Potter and Joanne McDade
Carolyn M. Pruyne
Dr. James Daniel Redmond and Cheryl Ann Redmond
Carole M. and Jerry N. Ringer, MD
Elizabeth B. Roghair and James E. Roghair
William E. Rosner and Linda M. Rosner
Mary Ann Novak Sadilek
Patricia Schaefer
Jeannette J. Segel
Mallory B. Thompson
Anne Sautebin Tomlinson
Sharon Mohrfeld Werner
Kiki L. F. Wilson

Donor Honor Roll

The Bienen School is grateful to all who have made donations this year. The following donors have generously given $500 or more to the school from July 2023 through December 2024.

1 Northwestern Trustee 
2 Music Advisory Board
3 Rogers Society
4 Deceased
5 Current Bienen School Faculty
6 Emeriti Bienen School Faculty 
7 Lutkin Society


Elizabeth Adames 7
Ivan A. Adames 7
Benjamin C. Adams (’26 P) 7
Jennifer G. Adams (’26 P) 7
Paul Aliapoulios (’85, ’90 P) 6 7
Nicola Allais (’27 P) 7
Stephen W. Alltop ’96 DMA 5 7
American Online Giving Foundation Inc.
John L. Anderson ’76, ’77 MBA (’03 P) 7
Megan Paynter Anderson ’76 (’03 P) 7
Carol Hall Armstrong ’72
Edward A. Armstrong ’73
Mary M. Ashley ’82 7
Association of American Railroads
Diane Albanito Balke ’71 MMus
Jon W. Balke
Bank of America Charitable Gift Fund
David Yorke Bannard ’82 MMus 7
Elizabeth Phelps Barber ’01, ’08 MMus, ’12 DMA 7
Cameron Bennett
Gail J. Berenson ’67, ’68 MMus 7
Claire Bienen (’19 P) 7
Henry S. Bienen ’09 H (’19, ’25, ’28 GP) 7
Leigh Buchanan Bienen (’19, ’25 GP) 7
Jennifer Billman (’22 P)
Matthew Billman (’22 P)
Alison Brunton Blackstone 7
Franklin Blackstone III ’81 7
BNY Mellon Charitable Gift Fund
Shirley Borloz (’22 P) 7
Melanie L. Bostwick ’04 7
Carol Rice Bowditch 7
James Bowditch 7
Alejandra Valarino Boyer ’07 MMus 2
Evan Michael Boyer ’07
Richard O. Briggs ’69, ’77 JD 3 7
Eric N. Britton ’87 MD, ’92 GME
Leslie Drescher Britton ’85 MMus
James B. Bronk ’77 7
Suzanne Becker Bronk 7
Gwen L. Brubaker ’82 PhD 3
Judy Iwata Bundra ’76, ’80 MMus, ’93 PhD (’19 P) 2 7
Stephen J. Bundra ’76, ’85 GME (’19 P) 7
Jill E. Bunney ’97 7
Gary W. Burns 7
Michelle Miller Burns ’90 2 7
Nicholas Cagle
Ross David Cahn 7
Drew Cahoon
James M. Caldwell ’81 MMus, ’84 DMA
Nancy J. Caldwell
Julienne Larsen Campbell ’55
Joseph T. Castello ’75 MMus
Conan J. Castle ’51, ’52 MMus 7
Donald L. Chapman
Pegi Grossman Chapman ’73 7
Ellie Y. Choi ’94 7
Leah J. Christenson ’99
Donna Gavin Clarke ’60
Roger M. Clarke ’60
Ben C. Cook
Claib L. Cook IV ’82
Leila Holmes Cook
Marsha Neill Cook ’62
Roderick Larnell Cox ’11 MMus
Linda Tatman Crisafulli ’68, ’69 MMus 7
Peter P. Crisafulli ’68, ’70 MMus 7
Joanne Kriege Cruickshank ’57, ’58 MMus 3 7
Stefanie Crumbley ’91 MMus
Bala Cumaresan (’24 P) 7
Patricia J. Cunningham 7
Roger R. Cunningham
Shirley Koelling Cunningham ’68 MMus 4
Chie Curley 7
Robert E. Curley ’56 7

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Sandra Schubert Dagon ’62 7
Barbara Daly 7
George G. Daly ’65 MA, ’67 PhD 7
Jane Stowers Dean ’70 (’96 P) 7
Richard H. Dean ’69 (’96 P) 1 7
Barbara Varsik Deboer ’77 MMus, ’83 PhD 7
Jane C. Deng ’92 7
Michael C. Dennis ’97
Paul Joseph Dickinson ’88 MMus, ’95 DMA
Stephan Clark Dimos
Sally Seibert Dobroski 3 7
Joseph P. Donnelly ’79 7
Samuel Noah Dorf ’09 PhD 7
Megan Felsburg Doud ’02
Nathaniel Thompson Doud ’02
Charles W. Douglas ’70 (’98, ’03 P) 4 7
Diane S. Douglas (’98, ’03 P) 2 7
Emily Rice Douglass ’66 7
Sean P. Dowdall 3 7
Brian S. Doyal ’86
Est. Alvin B. Dugar ’50 4
Janet Sally Dumas
Dan J. Duncan ’62 7
Jeanette Duncan 7
Anne Weesner Eagleton ’58 7
T. Jefferson Eby III ’80 MBA
Zartouhi D. Eby ’87 DMA
Barbara Seablom Edwards ’55 7
Julius E. Erlenbach ’68 MMus, ’72 PhD 3 7
Rebecca Jane Erlenbach 3 7
Gary M. Esayian (’19 P) 7
Susan Preston Faison ’57
Fargo-Moorhead Area Foundation
Julie Ferrell Farrell ’01 7
Timothy R. Farrell ’02 7
Edith G. Fessler
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund
Sheran K. Fiedler ’74 MMus, ’82 PhD 3 7
Margee Filstrup 2 3 7
Scott H. Filstrup ’65, ’67 MBA 2 3 7
Selme Finnie (’16 P) 3 7
Shaun Finnie ’95 MBA (’16 P) 2 3 7
Carol N. Fisher (’08 P)
Scott W. Fisher (’08 P)
Deborah Fowler (’23 P)
James Fowler (’23 P)
Frank H. Philbrick Foundation
Erin R. Freeman ’95
Marcia Lynn Friedl 7
Korine Fujiwara ’89
Anne Lawrenz Geissinger ’69 MMus
George & Arlene Rusch Memorial Foundation
Michelle M. Gerhard ’82 3 7
Alan Glen Gibson ’82 3 7
James B. Gibson ’74 MMus
Linda Laird Giedl ’69 MMus
Martha Schmaling Gilmer ’78
William White Gilmer ’80 MMus
Katie Isaak Ginsberg ’89 (’15, ’16 P) 7
Peter Ginsberg ’84, ’89 JD (’15, ’16 P) 7
Flavia Golden (’24 P)
Goldman Sachs Philanthropy Fund
Scott G. Golinkin ’74, ’75 MMus 3 7
Yijia Gong (’28 P) 7
Donald N. Gray ’67 MMus, ’72 DMA 7
Scott M. Green ’77 7
Alan C. Gregory ’71 7
Byron L. Gregory ’66, ’69 JD 3 7
Susan Gregory 7
Kay Griffel ’60 7
Giancarlo Guerrero ’92 MMus (’22 P) 7
Carol Shepard Gutknecht ’68 MMus

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Madelynn Schlutz Haddix ’69
Kara Hailey (’27 P) 7
Beth A. Hebert ’72, ’73 MA/MS 7
Katherine Fisher Heeren ’63 7
Emilee Griffin Hervey ’76, ’77 MMus 7
Richard L. Hervey ’74 MA 7
Lisa K. Hightower ’78 3 7
Arthur J. Hill 7
Tracy L. Hoffman ’83
Jackie Holland 7
James M. Holland ’54 MD (’86 P) 7
Ingeborg Schneider Holliday ’92 (’25, ’27 P) 7
Mark E. Holliday ’90 (’25, ’27 P) 7
A. John Holstad ’62 MMus, ’74 DMA  4 7
Esther Holt
Est. William T. Hopkins PhD ’55 4
Deborah G. Horwitz ’69 MA (’04 P)
Michael R. Jacobson (’13 P) 7
Elaine Kondelis Jaharis ’81 (’17, ’18 P) 7
Steven M. Jaharis (’17, ’18 P) 7
James M. and Nancy J. Caldwell Revocable Trust
Carol Radecki Janossy ’70 (’01 P)
Julie Jastrow
William T. Jastrow ’84 MMus
Casey B. Jenkins ’00
Jewish Community Federation of San Francisco
Doris J. Johnson ’55 MA/MS, ’71 PhD
Jeraldine Sloan Johnson ’68 MMus
Nea D. Johnston ’78, ’87 MBA
JP Morgan Charitable Giving Fund
Scott T. Kagawa ’04 7
Karen Chih-Pah Kan-Walsh ’81 DMA (’23 P) 5
Jay Kennedy ’73, ’74 MMus
Andrew John Kim ’11 7
Maria Isabel Kisel ’05 MA, ’08 PhD 7
Charlie Weaver Kobida 7
Daniel Kobida ’63 7
Lawrence Kohn
Denise Kohn-Staehli
Karen Koronkowski 7
Kelly L. Kuhn ’87 7
Sherry Henry Kujala ’85 MMus, ’90 MBA 7
Walfrid Eugene Kujala 4 6 7
Kurt G. Lageschulte ’91 (’27 P) 7
Kathleen Foyt Lamkin ’72 MMus, ’81 DMA
Ada Jung Lamont ’53
Mike R. Lampson ’85
David L. Landis ’78 3 7
Katharine Lockwood Lang 7
Ron Lang 7
Virginia Croskery Lauridsen ’82, ’87 MMus 7
Lauridsen Family Foundation
Paul J. Lee ’92
Marc D. Levy ’82 7
Elmer E. Lewis (’92 P) (’21 GP) 7
Michael Li (’22 P) 7
Gerrie Liaw ’00
Grace Lim (’24 P)
John Lim (’24 P)
Chengpin Lin (’26 P) 7
Donald V. Lincoln ’57 3 7
Deborah Tuchler Linder ’94
Jeffrey Arthur Linder ’92, ’97 MD
Donald C. Little ’71 MMus 7
Albert T. Liu ’94 MS, ’01 MBA 7
Sarah Klish Liu ’94 7
David Loebel ’72, ’74 MMus 7
Sheryl Loyd Long ’81 7
Yinhui Lou (’22 P) 7
Eric A. Lutkin 3 7

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Andrea Swanson Magee ’05
Glen I. Magee ’02
Nancy Tims Magill ’86 MMus 7
R. Hugh Magill 7
Mary Crawford Mark ’73 (’08 P) 7
Michael S. Mark ’72, ’73 MMus (’08 P) 7
Barbara Wood Marsh ’57 3
Brian G. Marshall ’94
Sarah Graham Marshall ’98
Paul A. Martin ’85
Rosemaria Martinelli ’82, ’84 MMus 7
Jane C. Marvine ’75, ’77 MMus (’04 P)
John D. Marx ’69 MS
Judith Marx
Alicia M. McGinnis ’87 (’26 P) 7
Victoria McGinnis (’26 P) 7
Jill E. McGovern ’66 7
Carole P. McMahon ’97
John P. McMahon
Anton Mestek Jr. ’85
Don E. Minaglia ’56, ’60 MMus
Parinaz Mirfakhraie (’26 P) 7
Rafiq R. Mohammadi ’06 MBA 7
Toni-Marie Montgomery 3 5 7
Morgan Stanley Global Impact Funding Trust Inc.
Joe Moskal 7
Thomas G. Murray ’89
Elizabeth Schlecht Murrill ’71 (’08 P) 7
Stephen R. Murrill (’08 P) 7
Vaithehi Muttulingam (’24 P) 7
National Philanthropic Trust DAF
Negaunee Foundation
Robert Neuenschwander ’77 DMA 7
Amy Schlichtemeier Neumeister ’96
Melissa Ngan ’04 MMus 2
Paul A. Nierman ’76 MBA (’04 P)
Naomi Jean Norwick ’76
Elizabeth R. Nowicki 7
William I. Nowicki ’79 7
Loretta A. O'Driscoll ’94
James R. Olin Jr. ’76 (’04 P)
Justine O'Malley ’96, ’04 MBA 7
Nancy P. Orbison ’75, ’81 MMus 3 7
Orchard Alliance
Catharine White O'Rourke ’73 MMus 3 7
Gregory M. Outwater ’95 7
Patricia Schaefer Trust
Doris Nielsen-Sporidis Payne ’60 3
Bonita Berning Paynter ’72, ’74 MBA 7
Jon K. Peck 7
Davin E. Peelle ’02 7
Jennifer Harris Peelle ’02 7
Linnea Marie Perelli-Minetti ’09
Felicia Lynn Gerber Perlman ’92 JD (’23 P) 7
Michael A. Perlman ’00 MBA (’23 P) 7
Linda Wagoner Perry ’62, ’64 MMus 7
Anne Marie Person ’84
Danielle Briona Pindar ’18
George Stephen Pope ’75 MMus
Guy J. Raymaker 7
Helen Jang Raymaker ’86, ’90 MBA 7
Jack H. Reiske ’56, ’57 MS, ’62 PhD 7
Renaissance Charitable Foundation Inc.
Rice Family Foundation
Julie Baumann Rieth ’91 MMus
Carole Merrick Ringer ’60, ’61 MMus 2 3 7
Jerry Ringer 3 7
Tim Robblee ’01 MMus
Dale Robertson (’22 P)
Stephen Roche 3 7
Elizabeth B. Roghair 3 7
Debbie Culver Rohwer ’89
Mark E. Rohwer ’89
Julianne Romeo ’82 7
Alexander I. Rorke ’75, ’75 MA 2 7
Elizabeth Sturgeon Rorke 2 7
Lisa Bohnert Rose ’04 MMus
Aviva Fisher Rosenberg ’00 JD (’27 P) 7
Pinchas P. Rosenberg ’96, ’01 MD (’27 P) 7
Russ W. Rosenzweig ’93 7
Linda Rosner (’05, ’07, ’10 P) 3 7
William E. Rosner ’75, ’76 MBA (’05, ’07, ’10 P) 3 7
James M. Roth ’82
Molly D. Roth
Jessica Rothstein (’27 P) 7
Carl E. Rudiger 7
Jeanne Kurtzon Rudiger ’63 7

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Mary Ann Novak Sadilek ’61, ’62 MMus 3 7
Joan Bainbridge Safford ’76 JD 7
Kavin Sampson ’75, ’76 MMus
Dean H. Sayles ’60, ’61 MMus (’85 P) 7
Martha Stickney Sayles ’60 (’85 P) 7
Alan Scarrow (’27 P)
Meera Scarrow (’27 P)
Patricia Schaefer ’51 3 7
Elizabeth Runnette Schroeder ’59 (’21 GP) 7
Schwab Charitable Fund
David G. Schwaegler ’67, ’68 MMus
Katherine Scott ’07
Scott H Filstrup Trust
Kingsley G. Sears Jr. ’49 7
Lurline Willis Sears 7
Carole Browe Segal ’60 3 7
Gordon I. Segal ’60 1 3 7
Jeannette Junk Segel ’70 2 3 7
F. Sheppard Shanley 3
Marjorie F. Shansky ’70 7
Christina Conway Shaver ’97 (’28 P) 7
Jonathan F. Shaver ’98 MBA (’28 P) 7
Ellen Shaw 7
Lowell E. Shaw ’51, ’56 MMus 7
David A. Sheldon ’61, ’62 MMus
Shirley C. Shriver
Emma Grace Silberstein ’17, ’22 JD
Michael J. Sladek ’65
Bradford L. Smith ’88
Jeannine Smith
Lawrence R. Smith ’54, ’55 MMus
Todd A. Smith ’73 MBA 2 7
Jane Arries Solomon 7
Joann Meyer Sonnen ’53
Trine J. Sorensen-Jacobson (’13 P) 2 7
Gary Steinbaum (’24 P)
Trang Steinbaum (’24 P)
Gail Ayres Steinmetz ’70 3 7
William C. Steinmetz ’74 MBA 3 7
James R. Stevens Jr. ’77 JD (’04 P) 7
Jennifer M. Stevens (’04 P) 7
Aric L. Stock ’90 7
Karen Mellow Stock ’90, ’91 7
Michael Stodd ’85 MMus 7
Josefien Stoppelenburg 7
Kenneth D. Suh ’99
Pengfei Sun (’28 P) 7
Alumni Sundry Donors
Andrea Amdahl Taylor ’95 MMus 7
Mark Amdahl Taylor ’95 MMus 7
Paul A. Tervelt ’66
Dianne Tesler ’94
Ayco Charitable Foundation
Blackbaud Giving Fund
Dr. M. Lee Pearce Foundation Inc.
Jaharis Family Foundation Inc
Presser Foundation
Saint Paul Foundation
Smith Family Foundation
William Thompson (’08 P) 7
Alice Welch Tolley ’60 MMus (’03 P) 7
William G. Tonkin ’65
Thomas J. Tropp Jr. ’14 DMA 7
Vanguard Charitable Endow. Program
Elizabeth Kirkpatrick Vrenios ’63 MMus
Nicole Aaron Wagener ’97
William H. Wagener ’97
Robert W. Waldele ’72
Adair L. Waldenberg ’72 7
Mark W. Wales ’81 MS, ’88 PhD
Michael B. Wallace ’91 7
Brian F. Walsh (’23 P)
Eugene Walters (’26 P) 7
Christina Ching-Yin Poon Wee ’07 DMA 7
Lawrence Wee 7
Janice Schroeder Weiland ’79 MBA 7
Jon D. Wenberg ’90, ’92 MMus 7
Kimberly Winona White ’86 7
Robert P. Willig Jr. ’74
Sue Kennedy Willman ’75
Kristina Follrath Wilson ’74 MMus 3
Winning Ways Foundation
Darren Wu ’93 MMus
She-e Wu 5 7
Jonathan Blake Yarbrough ’06 7
Arthur Yee (’24 P)
Jun Yeh (’28 P) 7
Su-Juen Yeh (’28 P) 7
Weilin Yih (’26 P) 7
Peter R. Young Jr. ’61
Susan Pennie Young ’62
Betty Anne Younker ’97 PhD
Karen Nelson Zajac ’67 MMus
Barbara Hatley Zima ’53, ’56 MMus
Charlene Johnson Zimmerman ’72 7
Connie Zyer (’08 P) 7
David E. Zyer ’99 MBA (’08 P) 7

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