
PhD, Northwestern University

Dr. Diego Pinto specializes in general music and choral music teaching and learning, with particular interest in providing music learners with multisensory, interdisciplinary engagement with the world's music cultures.

Through his scholarly work and teaching, Dr. Pinto seeks to bridge the gap between research and practice to foster meaningful, lifelong music engagement for all. His research interests include music enculturation and perceptions of self in the musical context, world music pedagogy with a focus on music of the African diaspora, and perceptual response to vocal ensemble movement.

Leveraging his research findings and his teaching experiences in K-12 and postsecondary settings, Dr. Pinto has presented at state, national, and international research and professional development conferences, including the International Society for Music Education World Conference, Asia-Pacific Symposium for Music Education Research, International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition, NeuroMusic Conference, National Association for Music Education Biennial Conference, American Choral Directors Association (ACDA) National Conference, Society for Ethnomusicology Annual Meeting, ACDA Symposium of Research in Choral Singing, and Illinois Music Education Conference.

Dr. Pinto holds a bachelor’s degree in music education from the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (UniRio), a master’s degree in music education from Louisiana State University, and a PhD in music education from Northwestern University. Before pursuing his doctoral studies, he taught elementary general music and secondary choral music at K-12 public schools in Louisiana.


Pinto, D. D. T. (2022). Gospel choir as a space for racial and religious expression for Black students at a predominantly White institution. International Journal of Research in Choral Singing, 10, 295–326.