
PhD, Harvard University

Coordinator, musicology program. Andrew Talle '95 studied at Northwestern from 1990-1995, earning a bachelor's degree in cello performance as a student of Hans Jørgen Jensen, as well as bachelor's and master's degrees in linguistics. From 1995-2003, he was a PhD student at Harvard University, earning master's and doctoral degrees in musicology. Dr. Talle spent one year lecturing at Harvard before moving to Baltimore in 2004 to join the musicology faculty at the Peabody Conservatory. In 2011, he was named a Gilman Scholar of the Johns Hopkins University, a distinction reserved for fewer than 20 faculty members across all nine divisions. He joined the Northwestern faculty in 2017.

Dr. Talle's research focuses on musical culture in the time of Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750). He has published articles in the Bach yearbook , the Cöthener Bach-Hefte , and reports from the Leipzig historical society , among others. He is the editor of a collection of essays by leading scholars entitled Bach and His German Contemporaries published by the University of Illinois Press. The same publisher recently produced his monograph, Beyond Bach: Music and Everyday Life in the Eighteenth Century . Dr. Talle's current projects include a book about popular music in Bach's time and a collection of accounts of the city of Leipzig written by eighteenth-century travelers.

Selected Works/Publications


Bach and His German Contemporaries (=Bach Perspectives 9). (Champagne-Urbana: Illinois University Press, 2013). Edited volume.

Beyond Bach: Music and Everyday Life in the Eighteenth Century (Champagne-Urbana: Illinois University Press, 2017). Monograph.


J. S. Bach’s Cello Suites (Neue Bach Ausgabe revidierte Edition) (Kassel: Bärenreiter, 2016).


“Bach’s Relationships with the Courtly Life of His Time.” In: Robin Leaver (ed.). The Ashgate Research Companion to Johann Sebastian Bach. (Farnham: Ashgate, 2017 [in press])

“Bach, Graupner, and The Rest of Their Contented Contemporaries” In: Andrew Talle (ed.). Bach and His German Contemporaries (=Bach Perspectives 9). (Champagne-Urbana: Illinois University Press, 2013).

“Die ‘kleine Wirthschafft Rechnung’ von Carl August Hartung.” In: Bach-Jahrbuch 97 (2011). 57-80.

“‘Ein Ort zu studieren, der seines gleichen nicht hat’ – Leipzig um 1730 in den Tagebüchern des Königsberger Professors Christian Gabriel Fischer.” Stadtgeschichte – Mitteilungen des Leipziger Geschichtsvereins. Jahrbuch 2008. 55-138.

“A Print of Clavierübung I from J. S. Bach’s Personal Library.” In: George Stauffer, Mary Dalton Greer, Gregory Butler (eds.). About Bach. Champagne-Urbana: Illinois University Press, 2008. 157-168.

“‘Der Kayser aus Köthen’ – zum 300. Geburtstag eines wieder entdeckten Bach-Schülers.” Cöthener Bach-Hefte 13 (2006). 13-32.

“Nürnberg, Darmstadt, Köthen – Neuerkenntnisse zur Bach-Überlieferung in der ersten Hälfte des 18. Jahrhunderts.” Bach-Jahrbuch 89 (2003). 143-172.

“Zum Adressatenkreis von Bachs Clavier-Übung, Opus 1.” In: Martin Geck (ed.). Bachs Musik für Tasteninstrument. Bericht über das 4. Dortmunder Bach-Symposium 2002 (=Dortmunder Bach-Forschungen 6). Dortmund: Klangfarben Musikverlag, 2003. 213-222.

“An unknown book on the education of children from 1711 'with an appendix of Music and Tantzen' from 1711.” Standing Conference on Central German Baroque Music, Yearbook 2000 . 143-157.


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