Degree Requirements

Master of Music: Music Education — Instrumental, 2 Years

For students who have completed an undergraduate degree in music, but who are not certified to teach. Successful graduates meet all requirements for teacher certification in Illinois.

Program of Study — 23.5 units

Students must take 3.5 to 4 units per quarter.


Music Education Core — 3 units

  • MUSIC ED 422 Curriculum Development in Music Education 
  • MUSIC ED 458 Philosophical Basis of Music Education 
  • MUSIC ED 523 Paradigms and Processes of Research in Music Education


Music Education Foundation — 9 units

(student teaching scheduled for at least one full quarter of placement in area schools)

  • MUSIC ED 361 Teaching General Music I 
  • MUSIC ED 364 Teaching Instrumental Music I 
  • MUSIC ED 366 Teaching Choral Music I 
  • MUSIC ED 380-383 Student Teaching, 4 units*
  • MUSIC ED 390 Student Teaching Colloquium
  • MUSIC ED 426 World Music Pedagogy 
  • CONDUCT 340 Advanced Conducting—select choral, orchestral, or wind

*scheduled for one quarter in area schools 


Ensemble — 0 units, 3 registrations required

Students must enroll in a major or faculty directed ensemble for three quarters. Chamber music does not fulfill this requirement. Ensemble credit does not count toward the 23.5 units required for graduation. 


Certification Track, Instrumental Music — 5.5 units

  • MUSIC ED 230 Woodwinds Class 
  • MUSIC ED 234 Double Reeds Class 
  • MUSIC ED 235 High Brass Class 
  • MUSIC ED 236 Low Brass Class 
  • MUSIC ED 237 String Class I
  • MUSIC ED 238 String Class II
  • MUSIC ED 239 Percussion Class 
  • MUSIC ED 365 Teaching Instrumental Music II
  • MUSIC ED 362 Teaching General Music II OR
    MUSIC ED 368 Teaching Composition in the Schools 


Music Education Rehearsal Practicum — 0 units, 4 registrations required

Enrollment must be in same quarters as MUSIC ED 361-368. 

  • MUSIC ED 314 Practicum 


Professional Education — 3 units

  • SESP 201 Human Development: Childhood and Adolescence OR
    PSYCH 244 Developmental Psychology OR
    MSED 405 Child and Adolescent Development
  • TEACH ED 322/422 Content Area Reading and Writing
  • MUSIC ED 427 Teaching Music to Exceptional Students

Students seeking certification must consult with the certification officer in the School of Education and Social Policy to review undergraduate general education requirements for all teacher candidates.


General Electives, 400 level or above — 3 units

General Electives are courses within or outside of the Bienen School of Music of the student’s choosing. Courses must be at the 400 level or above. 300 level courses require advisor/departmental approval and approvals must be communicated in writing to Graduate Services. Students may register for MUSIC ED 495 Final Oral Exam for 1 unit as the last unit of electives.

Non-registration requirements

Students seeking certification must complete the following:

  1. 10 hours of observation in Chicago Public Schools
  2. 10 hours of observation in special education contexts
  3.  Illinois Content Area Test #212 (K-12 Music)
  4.  Health & Safety module through the Music Education Canvas page
  5.  2024-25 not required—EdTPA Teacher Performance Assessment 

Terminal Requirements — 0-1 units

The terminal requirement is a comprehensive oral exam to include the presentation of the student's portfolio, and a teaching demonstration exhibiting the ability to apply course knowledge in an individually designed and managed effort with faculty guidance. Students may register for MUSIC ED 495 Final Oral Exam for 0 units, or for 1 unit as the last unit of electives.


Download Degree Checklist


Contact Graduate Services: 