Practice Spaces & Venue Access

Guidelines for Students

The following policies and procedures describe the spaces to which students have access and for what purpose, as well as how access is gained. Every effort has been made to meet the needs of all students as equitably as possible while preserving the integrity of our state-of-the-art facilities.

Building Usage Top

General Building Usage Policies

  • Practice room access hours are 7 a.m. to midnight, no exceptions. It is your personal responsibility to be aware of the time to allow access to locker rooms before midnight.
  • Building users are liable for their personal access only and should not provide access to any other person. Users are liable for full financial responsibility if damage occurs through your access.
  • Practice rooms, corridors and shared spaces (such as student lounges) may not be used as storage spaces and any items left behind are at risk of theft. Repeated violations may result in access restriction or removal.
  • Per University policy, use of Northwestern University facilities or resources for personal gain (including providing personal lessons for monetary gain on Bienen property) is strictly prohibited.
  • Scooters or other wheeled devices are not allowed within Northwestern University facilities. Wheeled accessibility devices are permitted.

Practice Rooms Top

It is the Bienen School’s general policy that all individual practice is expected to take place in a practice room.

All practice rooms in the Ryan Center for the Musical Arts are accessible only by Bienen music majors. Practice rooms in Regenstein Hall are available to music majors as well as to non-majors during any quarter they’re enrolled in lessons and/or an ensemble.

All practice rooms are available 7 a.m. to midnight, seven days a week. Practice rooms are available on a first-come, first-served basis.

Access to all practice rooms requires a registered HID-enabled Wildcard, and student cards are programmed with different access to certain rooms depending on a student’s area of study. Questions about Wildcard access should be directed to Music Facilities staff via email at

Below is a comprehensive list of all practice rooms and their designated access groups:

Non-Major Rooms (26)

Access Group

Any Northwestern student who has been granted non-major practice access, and all Bienen School music majors


Regenstein, Floor 1: 101, 102, 104, 118, 120, 122, 124, 126, 130, 132, 134, 136, 138, 140, 142, 144, 146, 148, 150, 152, 154, 156, 158, 160, 162

Non-major access is only valid during quarters of active enrollment in lessons and/or an ensemble, and students receive access instructions directly from their instructor.

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Instrument / Voice Rooms (61)

Access Group

Bienen School music majors


RCMA, Floor 2: 145, 175C, 177 (A-B-C), 179 (A-C), 181A
RCMA, Floor 3: 116 (A-B-C), 118 (A-B-C), 120 (A-B-C), 122B, 124 (B-C), 126, 128, 130, 132, 134, 135, 139, 146, 154, 165 (A-B), 167 (A-B-C), 169 (A-B-C), 171 (A-B-C), 173 (A-B-C), 175 (A-B-C), 177 (A-B-C), 179 (A-B-C), 181 (A-B-C), 183 (A-B-C), 185A

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Collaborative Practice Rooms (10)

Access Group

Bienen School music majors


RCMA, Floor 3: 143, 144, 145, 147, 148, 149, 151, 152, 153, 155

Collaborative pianist practice rooms may only be used for collaborative practice between Bienen students and a collaborative pianist/accompanist. Individual users must yield to collaborative practice at all times. RCMA 3-143 is reserved exclusively for staff pianists M-F 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

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Percussion Rooms (9)

Access Group

Bienen School percussion majors


Regenstein, Floor 1: 106, 108, 110, 112, 114, 116, 121
RCMA, Floor 2: 175(A-B)

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Jazz Percussion Room (2)

Access Group

Bienen School jazz percussion majors


RCMA, Floor 2: 181B, 2-179B

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Harp Room (2)

Access Group

Bienen School harp majors


RCMA, Floor 3: 124A, 3-122C

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Piano Rooms (14)

Access Group

Bienen School piano majors


RCMA, Floor 3: 160, 162, 164, 166, 168, 170, 172, 174, 176, 178, 180, 182, 184, 186

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Duo Piano Rooms (2)

Access Group

Bienen School piano majors


RCMA, Floor 3: 141, 142

Rooms may be reserved by Bienen School piano majors only for duo-piano practice using the paper sign-up sheets posted by the doors. Individual practice is not permitted in these rooms at any time.

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Non-Major Lesson Rooms (2)

Access Group

Any graduate student enrolled to teach non-major lessons


RCMA, Floor 3: 156, 157

These rooms are reserved for the exclusive use of graduate students teaching non-major lessons, and they may be accessed by those students on a first-come, first-served basis whenever the room is not in use for a lesson.

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Practice Rooms Quick Summary

  • All independent rehearsal is expected to take place in a practice room
  • Access hours for all practice rooms and locker rooms are 7 a.m. to midnight, seven days a week

  • Student Wildcards allow varied access depending on major and area of study

  • Contact Music Facilities ( with any questions or problems related to Wildcard access

Performance Rooms Top

The Bienen School recognizes the value for Bienen students to practice and make recordings in a performance venue. As such, students can reserve up to a total of eight (8) hours each quarter in either the McClintock Choral and Recital Room (RCMA 1-190) or Regenstein Master Class Room (REG MCR).

Students who want to make recordings undisturbed should post signage to this effect on all doors leading into the venue.

Performance Room Guidelines

  • Reserve rehearsal and recording time using Northwestern’s 25Live Room & Event System (RES). See Making Reservations at the bottom of this page for more information.
  • Limit of eight (8) hours per student each quarter in a performance room. A quarter is defined as the period starting the first day of classes and ending the last day of exam week (Saturday).
  • Requests must be made at least 48 hours and no more than three (3) weeks in advance. Weekend requests must be submitted before 9 a.m. on the Friday before to be approved. Email requests for performance room reservations will not be honored and students will be instructed to return to the RES/25Live page.
  • Requests can be made in increments of 15 minutes (with a minimum of 30 minutes), must begin and end on the quarter-hour, and are limited to no more than two (2) consecutive hours.
  • Students can reserve up to two hours per day, in either venue, but they may not make concurrent reservations in both rooms.
  • Operating hours for both venues are 8:30 a.m. to 9:45 p.m., and students must vacate no later than 9:45 p.m. so the room and equipment can be properly secured.
  • No more than five minutes before their scheduled time, students must check out an access card at the Concert Management Office (CMO) and leave their Wildcard in its place. The access card should be returned to CMO immediately following the reservation. Unreturned access cards will result in a $35 replacement fee.
  • Consistent failure by any student to adhere to policies and/or instructions from CMO staff may result in the suspension or revocation of venue access privileges.
  • Contact CMO at with questions related to performance room reservations.

Academic Breaks & Summer Session

During academic breaks and the summer, students may submit requests that occur between the hours of 8:30 a.m. to 4:45 p.m., Monday through Friday, and these hours are subject to change depending on the university’s schedule. Students are permitted to reserve up to four (4) hours a day and up to eight (8) hours each week in any performance room.

Chamber Ensemble Rooms Top


Bienen School music majors


Four large rooms with a grand piano that may be reserved for chamber ensemble rehearsals. When not reserved, these rooms are available to Bienen performance students for open rehearsal on a first-come, first-served basis; however, individuals must yield to ensembles, even if no reservation is scheduled.


Regenstein, Floor 1: 117, 119, 137, 139


Requests may be submitted for reservations that occur between 7 a.m. and midnight, seven days a week. Reservations may not exceed two (2) hours, and groups are limited to one reservation per day in a chamber ensemble room. 


Online: Requests must be made at least 48 hours and no more than three (3) weeks in advance, and weekend requests must be submitted before 9 a.m. on the Friday before to be approved. Reserve time using Northwestern’s 25Live Room & Event System (RES). See Making Reservations at the bottom of this page for more information. 

Email: Email room requests to Please specify the day, time, room, and reason for the request.

In-Person: Reserve time at the Faculty Support Center (RCMA 2-000) during business hours, which are Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Weekend requests must be made before the end of the day on Friday, as the office is not open on weekends.


Chamber ensemble rooms remain unlocked and available to Bienen performance students between 7 a.m. and midnight, seven days a week.

Large Rehearsal Rooms Top

The Bienen School’s two large ensemble rehearsal rooms, the Pick-Staiger Rehearsal Room and Regenstein 011, are primarily for use by the Bienen School’s performing ensembles and conducting classes. These curricular activities, as well as occasional use of the rehearsal room by organizations that have rented Pick-Staiger Concert Hall, are given priority access to the space. Managing the schedule of daily activities in these rooms is intricate and complex, and availability is very limited.

However, the Bienen School understands the benefit to students to have access to large practice spaces. To allow the use of these rooms, policies have been established for each as described below.

Pick-Staiger Rehearsal Room and Regenstein 011

Bienen students are welcome to practice in the Pick-Staiger Rehearsal Room and Regenstein 011 on a first-come, first-served basis when the space is not in use and only when the building is open. Operating hours for Pick-Staiger Concert Hall are 8:30 a.m. to 10 p.m., seven days a week, whenever classes are in session, and hours vary during academic breaks and the summer. Operating hours for Regenstein 011 are 7am to midnight, seven days a week.

Each day, a schedule of activities is posted outside the room so students can see when the space is available. However, these schedules are subject to change without notice, and students are expected to vacate at the request of Concert Management Office or Band Office staff, including student house managers.

Important Note

Bienen large rehearsal rooms are busy spaces, often involving a significant amount of set-up prior to the start of classes and rehearsals. It is critical all students ensure these spaces remain clean and any equipment used is returned to its proper storage location. If use of large rehearsal rooms results in unreasonable inconvenience for curricular ensembles or other tenants, access will no longer be provided to students.

Classrooms Top

Classrooms are available to students when all chamber rooms and other rehearsal spaces are in use. Additionally, student requests for classrooms may be allowed for mock auditions or recordings. Users of classrooms are expected to ensure the space is left clean and in order. Users who fail to reset and clean the classroom after use will lose classroom use privileges.

How to Request

Online: Requests must be made at least 48 hours and no more than three (3) weeks in advance, and weekend requests must be submitted before 9 a.m. on the Friday before to be approved. Reserve time using Northwestern’s 25Live Room & Event System (RES). See Making Reservations at the bottom of this page for more information.

Email: Email classroom use requests to Please specify the day, time, room, and reason for the request.

In-Person: Reserve time at the Faculty Support Center (RCMA 2-000) during business hours, which are Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Weekend requests must be made before the end of the day on Friday, as the office is not open on weekends.

Access Cards

Students must pick up an access card during business hours, 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. Access cards should be returned after use to the drop box located in the vending area on the first floor of RCMA (see map), and they must be returned no later than noon the following business day. 

Use by Student Organizations

Student organizations/groups seeking a venue for a meeting, presentation, or other non-musical activity may request a classroom with Music Facilities staff via email at ( All such requests are subject to availability and are granted at the discretion of the Music Facilities office.

Classrooms available for reservation by students are:

  • RCMA, Lower Level: 111, 113, 115, 121
  • RCMA, Floor 1: 160, 164, 168, 172, 176, 180
  • Regenstein, Floor 1: 143

Making Reservations Top

Use Northwestern’s 25Live Room & Event System (RES) to place requests for chamber ensemble rooms, classrooms, and McClintock / MCR.

  1. Go to and sign in to RES using your NetID and password. Select the 25Live Pro icon to navigate to the dashboard.
  2. In the Search Locations box on the dashboard, either search the letters RCMA for classrooms in the Ryan Center and McClintock; or search the letters REG to find chamber rooms, the classroom in Regenstein (143), and the Masterclass Room (MCR).
  3. Above the list, find and select the Availability view to see all room calendars at the same time. Move to a different day by clicking on the date above the list.
  4. To make a request, hover over then click any empty half-hour slot to start an Event Form beginning at that day and time.
  5. Complete the fields on the Event Form, and note the following:
    a) Enter the Event Name in the following format, using your last name: Student Reservation – YourLastName
    b) Enter a description of your event in the “Comments” field (requests without a description will be denied). For example, describe the ensemble rehearsing. For chamber coachings, please provide the name of the chamber coach.
    c) Check that the correct date is selected and set the desired request time—up to two (2) hours.
    d) Check that the desired location is selected, agree to the terms of use, and click the Save button to submit your request.
  6. Your request will be reviewed by the designated Bienen office, and you will receive an email confirmation when your request has been processed.

Refer to the PDF below, which includes screen images, to download the detailed instructions above.

Step-by-Step Instructions for Requesting a Room (PDF)

Frequently Asked Questions Top

Q. My Wildcard won’t grant me access to a practice room I should be able to access based on my major/area of study. Who should I contact?

A. Check the expiration on your card, if it has expired, contact the Wildcard Office. Additional questions regarding your Wildcard access should be directed to Music Facilities at

Q. Why am I limited to just eight hours in McClintock and MCR each quarter?

A. The limit on venue use allows all students the best chance of securing a performance space when they need it most. Whether it’s recording a demo for auditions or scheduling additional rehearsal time prior to a recital, these limitations help to ensure a performance venue is available when students need one for specific purposes.

Q. Does my recital dress rehearsal count toward my total performance room reservation hours in a quarter?

A. No, recital dress rehearsals do not count toward the eight-hour limit on performance room reservations in that quarter.

Q. If I need to trade my personal Wildcard for a special Millennium access card to enter a performance venue, can I still access my locker?

A. Yes, the Millennium access cards for performance venues will also work wherever a Bienen student’s Wildcard typically works.

Q. Is there another performance space on campus where I can make a reservation?

A. Yes, students may consider using Lutkin Hall, a 286-seat venue located at 700 University Place, which has a Steinway “B” (7-ft.) piano. Separate rental fees may apply and are the responsibility of the student. 

Lutkin is managed by Norris University Center, and more information can be found by calling (847) 491-7285 or sending an email to