Untitled Quartet, a Bienen School of Music trombone quartet, has won the top prize in the American Trombone Workshop’s 2023 national quartet competition, presented by the US Army Band.
Ensemble members are Bienen doctoral students James Yu-Tien Chou and Hillary Simms, master’s student Nick Mihalich, and undergraduate Will Fowler. All are trombone students of Michael Mulcahy. Reed Capshaw coached the quartet.
As the competition winner, Untitled Quartet will perform a public recital at the 2023 American Trombone Workshop in Arlington, Virginia, on March 10.
This is the second consecutive year that a Northwestern trombone quartet has won the ATW competition. Kresge Quartet—Liam Glendening ’21 MMus, Evelyn Proffit ’22 MMus, Felix Regalado ’22 MMus, and Logan Reid ’22 MMus—won first prize in the 2022 ATW quartet competition.
Photo, above (L to R): James Yu-Tien Chou, Nick Mihalich, Will Fowler, and Hillary Simms