The Dover Quartet launched its second year as the Bienen School’s Quartet-in-Residence on October 18 with a program inspired by the quartet’s recently-released album “Tribute: Dover Quartet Plays Mozart,” on the Cedille Records label.
The Tuesday evening program included Mozart’s Quartet in B-flat Major, K. 589 and Quartet in F Major, K. 590, as well as Beethoven’s Quartet in B-flat Major, Op. 130, with Grosse Fuge.
“This is the kind of bedrock repertoire that tests the interpretative mettle of any quartet, and the Dover excelled at every turn. Displaying a maturity that belies the age of its members, the group plays with uncommon intelligence and finesse and a pleasing, well-blended sound. Perhaps most impressive is how comfortable they seem with each other and with this music,” according to a review by Kyle MacMillan. Read the full review from Chicago On the Aisle.
The Dover Quartet’s next Bienen School performance will be held Sunday, January 15 as part of the Winter Chamber Music Festival. The Winter Chamber Music Festival and Dover Quartet residency are both made possible by the generous support of the Elizabeth F. Cheney Foundation.