Bienen School graduate saxophone quartet ~Nois has been awarded second prize in the open division of the 2018 M-Prize International Chamber Arts Competition. As a second place laureate, the quartet received an $8,000 award.

Quartet members include doctoral student Brandon Quarles '17 MMus and master’s students Hunter BockesJanos Csontos and Jordan Lulloff. All are students of associate professor Taimur Sullivan.

The M-Prize has emerged as one of the most coveted chamber music competitions in the world. Based at the University of Michigan School of Music, Theatre & Dance, the competition draws some of the most ambitious and talented ensembles from around the world due to its unprecedented prize pools. The open category this year featured chamber ensembles from Austria, France, Slovenia, New York City, Austin, and Evanston. The final round of competition took place Sunday, May 6.

~Nois has been a prize winner at other major chamber music competitions, including second prize at the 2018 North American Saxophone Alliance National Quartet Competition, silver medal at the 2017 Fischoff National Chamber Music Competition, and first prize at the 2016 Chicago Woodwind Ensemble Competition. Founded in 2016, ~Nois is devoted to the creation and performance of new music.

  • Taimur Sullivan
  • woodwinds