Student Recitals

Zachary Voigt, bass

Tuesday, June 3, 2025 at 8:30pm CDT

Galvin Recital Hall

Master of Music 
Student of W. Stephen Smith

Hugo Wolf, “Alles endet, was entstehet” from Drei Gedichter von Michelangelo 
Benjamin Britten, “Give Me a Decent Murder with a Corpse” from Albert

Dmitri Shostakovich, Five Romances on Texts from Krokodil Magazine, Op. 121 
Franz Schubert, “Der Tod und das Mädchen,” Op. 7, No. 3 
Richard Strauss, “Der Einsame” from 2 Gesänge, Op. 51, No. 2 
Mikhail Glinka, “They Sense the Truth...” (Susanin’s Aria) from The Life of the Tsar 
Jacques Ibert, “Chanson de la mort de Don Quichotte” from Chansons de Don Quichotte 
Francis Poulenc, selections from Le bestiaire, FP 15 
    Le dromadaire (The Dromedary) 
    Le chèvre du Thibet (The Goat from Tibet) 
    Le dauphin (The Dolphin) 
    L’écrivesses (The Crab) 
    La carpe (The Carp) 
W. A. Mozart, “O Isis und Osiris” from Die Zauberflöte 

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Free Event

Mary B. Galvin Recital Hall


70 Arts Circle Drive
Evanston, IL 60208
United States

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Located in the Ryan Center for the Musical Arts, this 400-seat hall features a 40-foot glass wall offering views of Lake Michigan and the Chicago skyline. Undulating walls of Forest Stewardship Council–certified wood, covered with a thin layer of African moabi wood, provide optimal acoustics, and the hall is equipped with state-of-the-art sound and video equipment for recording.