Student Composers Concert

Friday, November 8, 2024 at 7:15pm CST
Regenstein Master Class Room
A program of new works by Bienen student composers.
Free EventProgram
Benjamin J. Penwell, toy piano
Benjamin J. Penwell, toy piano and electronics
Matthew Huang Mailman, My Mother’s Right Eye Jumped
Nicholas Chung, cello
Nicholas Chesemore, Reflections
Nicholas Chesemore, bass clarinet and voice
Henry Gloege, 2 Pieces for Piano
Joshua Lee, piano
Ovya Diwakaran, Fruit Bowl, Mvmt. IV: Grapefruit
Gia Lin, violin; Jake Westerbeke, viola; Andrew Anderson, cello; Clara Worstlad, piano
—Brief Intermission—
Tyler Shaver, Sitting on a City Park Bench at Night
Joe Majocco, bass trombone
Jianing Yang, Cyber Veiled Dreams
Maya Ravi, flute; Jake Westerbeke, viola; electric guitar
Elisa Kain Johnson, Keep my secret. To the grave. Mvmt. I: Why do they make sad stories?
Ylang Guo, violin; Hannah Zhang, piano
Jonathan Myong, Nocturne in B Minor
Khoi Le, piano
Regenstein Master Class Room
Bienen School of Music
60 Arts Circle Drive
Evanston, IL 60208
United States
The Regenstein Master Class Room is located in the Regenstein Hall of Music, directly adjacent to the Ryan Center for the Musical Arts. Seating 200, the room hosts hundreds of performances and other events each year.