Student Recitals
Brendan Breen, Tehya Shapiro, Jack Shimon, and Oliver Zhang, trumpet

Sunday, February 16, 2025 at 8:30pm CST
Regenstein Master Class Room
Bachelors of Music
Students of David Bilger
Yoko Yamada-Selvaggio, piano
Oskar Böhme, Scherzo for Two Trumpets and Piano, Op. 10
Vassily Brandt, Concertpiece No. 2, Op. 12
Reinhold Glière, Concerto for Trumpet
Carl Höhne, Slavische Fantasie
Joseph Jongen, Trumpet Concertino, Op. 41
Samuel Scheidt, Canzon Cornetto
Regenstein Master Class Room
Bienen School of Music
60 Arts Circle Drive
Evanston, IL 60208
United States
The Regenstein Master Class Room is located in the Regenstein Hall of Music, directly adjacent to the Ryan Center for the Musical Arts. Seating 200, the room hosts hundreds of performances and other events each year.