
DMA, University of Miami

Associate director of bands. Conductor of the Northwestern University Symphonic Band, Shawn D. Vondran teaches conducting, wind repertoire, and other courses in the music performance and education curricula. Prior to his appointment at Northwestern, he served as the assistant director of bands at Ball State University. Recognized for his excellence in teaching and dedication to students while at Ball State, Vondran received the College of Fine Arts Dean's Teaching Award in 2013. In addition, the Ball State University Symphony Band was selected to perform at the 2012 and 2014 Indiana Music Education Association Conference. Vondran also served on the faculties at Western Illinois University and Youngstown State University, respectively. He began his professional teaching career at Mentor High School in Ohio, where his concert, jazz, and marching bands consistently received superior ratings and accolades for their outstanding performances during his four-year tenure.

Vondran maintains an active schedule with engagements throughout the United States as a guest conductor, clinician, and adjudicator. In addition to performance engagements, he is an ongoing contributor to the Teaching Music Through Performance in Band series published by GIA and has appeared in the National Band Association journal. During his career as a conductor, Vondran has worked with a number of notable composers in the preparation, performance, and/or recording of their works for the wind band medium. Recent artistic collaborations include John Corigliano, Christopher Rouse, David Maslanka, Michael Daugherty, Steven Bryant, and Joel Puckett. His professional affiliations include the College Band Directors National Association, National Band Association, National Association for Music Education, and Pi Kappa Lambda.

Vondran received his doctor of musical arts degree in instrumental conducting, with an emphasis in music education, from the University of Miami (FL). Vondran completed a master of music degree in instrumental conducting at Youngstown State University and earned a bachelor of music education degree (magna cum laude) at The Ohio State University.

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May 9, 2025 7:30pm

Symphonic Band

Pick-Staiger Concert Hall


Symphonic Band selected to perform at CBDNA divisional conference

Percussion Ensemble performs showcase concert

Northwestern University Music in November

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Symphonic Band
