
PhD, New York University

Jesse Rosenberg is a specialist in 19th- and 20th-century Italian opera, with numerous publications on Rossini, Donizetti, Bellini, and Verdi and others, as well as papers read at national and international conferences. Other fields in which he has published are instrumental music in 19th-century Italy and the Florentine music critic and theorist Abramo Basevi (1818-1885). His research interests include the convergence of music with areas such as literature, poetry, theology, fascism, and the Holocaust. More recently his focus has been on the representation of Jewish identity in Italian musical culture. Rosenberg is a contributor to the New Grove Dictionary of Opera and Pipers Enzyclopädie des Musiktheaters. He received the Outstanding Dissertation Award and Excellence in Teaching Award from New York University and is on the Faculty Honor Roll at Northwestern University.

Selected Works/Publications


"The Teatro delle Novità and Mario Jacchia's La Stella d'Oriente." Music and Institutions in Fascist Italy, Roberto Illiano, Luca Lévi Sala, eds. (Turnhout: Brepols, 2024), 343-390.

"Jewish Dyads and Gentile Triads: Giovanni Pacini's Ivanhoe (1832) as Forerunner of Italian Philojudaic Opera.” Quaderni Musicali Marchigiani 16, Scritti e Ricerche per gli ottant'anni di Elvidio Surian. 2020, 395-428.

"Notes on philojudaism and its limits in 19th-century opera." Jewishness in Music, ed. Luca Lévi Sala (Ad Parnassum Studies, 12). Bologna: Ut Orpheus Edizioni. 2020, 185-219.

"Jan Meyerowitz and musical Italy." Archival Notes 4. 2019, 31-49.

"Guilt and Operatic Atonement in Post-Holocaust Italy." Annali d'italianistica 36 (2018): The New Italy and the Jews: From M. D'Azeglio to P. Levi, edited by Jonathan Druker and L. Scott Lerner, 235-259.

"Race, religion, and Jewish identity in the operas of fascist Italy." Journal of Jewish Identities 10. 2017, 105-134.

"Music and the Nativity in eighteenth-century Naples." The Neapolitan Crèche at the Art Institute of Chicago. New Haven: Yale University Press. 2016, 47-57.

"Opera and Religion," in Helen Greenwald, ed., The Oxford Handbook of Opera. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2015.

“Martucciana dall’America,” in Rostagno, Antonio and Pier Paolo De Martino, eds., Giuseppe Martucci: da Capua all’Accademia di Santa Cecilia. Roma: Accademia Nazionale di S. Cecilia. 2012, 317-340.

“Il Concorso Basevi e il Quartetto per pianoforte e archi di Giorgio Miceli,” in Borsetta, Maria Paola and Annunziato Pugliese, eds., Giorgio Miceli e la musica nel mezzogiorno d'Italia nell'Ottocento, Vibo Valenzia: Istituto di Bibliografia Musicale Calabrese. 2012, 159-170.

“An operatic rabbi: David Sichel and Mascagni’s L’amico Fritz, in Colas, Damien and Alessandro Di Profio, eds., D'une scène à l'autre: L'opéra italien en Europe. II: La musique à l’épreuve du théâtre Liège: Mardaga. 2009, 411-428.

"I sacri contrafacta di musica operistica di Donizetti: questioni tipologiche e valutative.” Cecchi, Paolo and Luca Zoppelli, eds., Il Teatro di Donizetti: Atti dei Convegni delle Celebrazioni 1797-1997.1848/1998: II: Percorsi e Proposte di ricerca (Bergamo: Fondazione Donizetti, 2004), 293-303.

“La musica strumentale nella critica di Abramo Basevi.” Quaderni del Circolo Rosselli 24 (4). 2005, 127-141.

“Abramo Basevi: a critic in search of a context.” Musical Quarterly 86/3 (Winter 2002), 639-688.

“Analyses of Verdi’s Music in La Scienza Nuova dell’Armonia of Americo Bàrberi (1861). Una piacente estate di San Martino: Studi e ricerche per Marcello Conati. Lucca: LIM, 2000, 241-265.

"Il 'leista' Raimondi contro il 'durantista' Bellini," in Cafiero, Rosa, ed., Francesco Florimo e la musica napoletana nell'ottocento. Reggio Calabria: Jason. 1997, 75-97.

"Rossini, Raimondi, e la Messa di Gloria dell'anno 1820." Bollettino del centro rossiniano di studi 35.1995, 85-102.


“Il Trovatore (1852): Frammenti di uno schizzo” [critical edition and commentary]. Della Seta, Fabrizio and Pierluigi Petrobelli, eds., Giuseppe Verdi: gli Autografi nel Museo Teatrale alla Scala. Milan/Parma: Museo Teatrale alla Scala/Istituto Nazionale di Studi Verdiani, 2000.


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Opera in a Virtual Age

Jesse Rosenberg